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Everything Zen Memberships

Our Memberships can now be purchased online! Click Here to start your membership today.

Experience the rewards of becoming a member at Everything Zen. Our membership program makes it easier than ever to enhance your well-being. As a valued member, you’ll gain access to a wide range of exclusive perks and benefits. From enticing incentives and loyalty rewards points to special VIP membership offers, we are dedicated to rewarding our loyal customers like never before. Join us today and let us show our gratitude for your continued support. Sign up for a membership at Everything Zen and start enjoying the benefits today!

Our Memberships

Becoming a member of Everything Zen has many benefits. No matter which membership level you choose, you’ll receive the following:

• Membership rates for friends and family

• 10% product discount (excludes apparel)

• The ability to split your membership with a friend or family member

• Exclusive VIP membership days with special product offers, double points, gift certificate discounts, BOGO days, and so much more!

Membership Frequently Asked Questions

What services can I get with my membership?

Service options are listed on our Membership flyer under each type of membership and are labeled as 60 or 90 minutes, depending on which membership you have.

Does the monthly payment come out automatically?

Yes. We put your card into your membership profile when you sign up and you are charged monthly on the same date based on when you start your membership. Your payment date will be the same every month.

When are the credits available each month?

Your month depends on the date your membership payment comes out. If you are charged on the 5th of every month you will want to book your appointments between the 5th and the 5th of the next month.

How much notice do I need to give for pausing or cancelling?

We ask for 7 days notice if you would like to pause or cancel your membership. There is no cancellation fee.

What practitioners can I use my membership credits with?

Memberships may be used with any practitioner aside from Mary. She is an independent contractor and takes payment separate from Everything Zen.

Do unused credits rollover or expire?

Unused credits do rollover and do not expire, however, if you have 2 or more credits rolled over we will pause your membership until they are caught up. Also, any unused credits redeemed after 180 days will be charged a $20 fee.

Can I share my membership?

Membership credits may be shared! Please notify us if someone will be using an upcoming credit so it may be transferred over ahead of their appointment. It helps make checkout run more smoothly.

Can I check how many credits I have available?

As of right now, you do not have the ability to see your credits in your online account, however, we can look them up for you.

What happens if I book an extra service outside of my membership?

If you book a service that is normally included in your membership but you don’t have any credits left for the month, you will be charged your membership rate for that service. If you book a service outside of your membership you will receive 10% off the service. We cannot apply membership credits toward services not included in the membership and charge the difference.